Much like diving, the fishing out Makara can be fantastic on the right day. A combination of wind's, swell and light can make Makara an anglers paradise. You will be fishing the same coastline you dive. Around a 30 minute drive from the city, Makara is an easily accessible spot. A Southerly wind is preferred as the cliffs behind you will offer some protection, otherwise little to no wind is ideal. You will find little outcrops of rocks the entire way around the bay. Bringing extra equipment may be a good idea as the rocky bottom in spots can cause some trouble. You can find patches of sand and pebble so once found, a spiked sinker will be useful. The longer the cast the better so a surfcaster will be the answer here. Makara can offer a good variety of fish from Cod, Snapper and Tarakihi. The odd kingfish has also been caught from shore but they generally run a little further out.